This is Day 8 and the swop is soon coming to a close.. That will be sad, because I really enjoy the process of taking photos and squealing at all the cool gifts I open.

It’s PEZ!! I remember having one. I only had one as a child, because they were not available in Malaysia at that time. I got mine from New Zealand on a family holiday, but I can’t remember what character I bought. Just a few years ago, Michael bought me a Spongebob PEZ in Zurich. I hope he still kept it somewhere because I’d like to display this Strawberry Shortcake one along with Spongebob!

I’m not familiar with Strawberry Shortcake, the character, even though the cartoons were supposedly running around the time I was a child. Not everything was easily available in Malaysia, so yeah, I didn’t know anything about her, sadly!

Mmm I do like PEZ sweets, they’re so fun to dispense. I’ve cut down my sugar intake and sweets, but once in a while I like to indulge. 😀

I found the corresponding photo! Oh if only I opened that envelope earlier, I could have taken a photo of each item and their clues. Hindsight… 😛
12 Days of Christmas Swop, hosted by Juanita and Chloe. I’m Chloe’s Santa! Check out her Wasted Fashion Facebook Page to see the gifts I gave her.