Almost halfway now! I’m trying to pick different wrapping papers each day so they don’t all look the same from post to post. Today’s gift:

Day 5: Twelve Days Xmas Swop

Manicure set. Super cute

Oh my, it’s a really cute manicure tool set! I’ve never seen such novel designs on manicure tools before (maybe I just do go searching enough :P). I love them! These will be very nice to keep on display on my dressing table. Usually these tools are kinda boring and plain, but they are boring no more! Now for some close up shots.

Pretty manicure tools

Manicure set close up How cute is that, they have backs!

I had not realised the backs of these three girls are also printed. That is TOO cute. I’ve already used the nail file, before painting my nails. Yay!

Nail clipper

In some way, they also remind me of Blythe dolls. 🙂 Thank you Samantha! I am having so much fun with all your thoughtful gifts. You are a lovely Santa!

12 Days of Christmas Swop, hosted by Juanita and Chloe.

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