I hope all of you participating in the swop are enjoying your gifts 🙂
Here is what I chose for Day 7. They were stuck together, and I took that as a sign they were meant to be opened at the same time.

I opened up the envelope and found photos inside. They’re very arty, I thought. I could put them on my pinboard for display. I had not yet made THE connection with them.. Keep reading. 😀
I then opened the Spongebob present. I really love this paper, I’m nuts!

Once I saw the material, I instantly knew what it was, a reusable bag! Oh it’s so purple and pretty. I really love collecting bags like these. I should really use more of them, but they’re too pretty to soil. I do use some of mine to store toys. That way, I get to use them and keep them clean. I am sure this one is destined to hold my stuffed toys in Zurich. Thank you Samantha! 🙂

Here’s the funny thing. While looking at the photos again, I actually spotted one that looked familiar… Then I found more and more that looked familiar. Could these be clues to all my gifts?! And I had not opened this until Day 7! I’m kicking myself.

You can see the heart bag has been photographed up close! I also found one of the Texas magnet, NYC polish, calendars, and manicure set. I think I’m missing the bubble bath, it could be the white flower or the gradient purple photo. Also the bracelet, that could be the blue one, second from the pile below. I’m not sure yet. Omigosh… Samantha, you’ve outdone yourself. I am in awe at the lengths you went to, to put all of this together.
I can now tell that I’ll be getting something knitted perhaps? And there’s something with a strawberry coming up… such fun!! 😀