(Scroll down for English) 
Schon lange habe ich nicht auf Deustch geschrieben… Es macht viel Mühe, und ich bin echt faul. Ich weiss, dass ich mehr üben sollte, auch zu Hause. Viele Wörter und Präpositionen, die ich vorher kenne, muss ich wieder im Wörterbuch nachschauen. Ich bin nutzlos. Zum Glück erinnere ich mich noch an alle Grammatik, die ich gelernt habe.

Ich möchte nicht mehr Memebox Reviews schreiben, schätze ich, weil sie zu viel Arbeit sind. Ich habe schon aufgehört, neue Boxen zu bestellen. Ich habe viel zu viel Produkte, die ich benutzen muss! Kurze Reviews und neue Bestellungen mache ich weiter nächstes Jahr in den USA.

Ich habe aber einen neuen Memebox-code bekommen! Den könnt ihr einmal im September durch mein Affliate-link benutzen. Das bedeutet, ihr müsst ein Link auf dieser Seite klicken, bevor ihr etwas kauft.

53UF – Spart ihr $5 an einer Memebox (oder Superbox, Luckybox, usw.)
Mehr Codes könnt ihr auf meiner Memebox Deals page finden.

Meine Decke wird fast fertig gestrickt. 3 Knäuel sind übrig! Ich werde nicht alle 25 Knäuel benutzen. Der Rest kann ich für eine Mütze, Handstulpen und vielleicht einen Schal bewahren. Ich kann kaum warten, bis die Decke fertig ist, weil mir im Bett immer kalt ist. Draussen ist es noch wie Sommer, aber es ist in unserem Schlafzimmer sehr kalt. Nach der Decke will ich für mich eine Strickjacke stricken. Das wird aufregend und bestimmt herausfordernd. Die Strickanleitung habe ich schon.

Meine beiden Charlie Bears habe ich letzte Woche erhalten. Die sind sooo niedlich! Gestern bestellte ich Bray, ein 52cm grosser Bär… ooh. Normalerweise mag ich zwar die kleineren Bären, da sie besser zum Kuscheln sind, aber Bray ist ein lila Bär, den ich haben muss!

Ok das ist alles, was ich euch erzählen kann. Jetzt muss ich alles auf English schreiben, hoi.

It’s been ages since I’ve written in German (as above). It requires a lot of effort and I am very lazy. I know that I should practise more, also at home. There are many familiar words and prepositions which I still have to look up in the dictionary. Useless. Thankfully though, I still remember all the grammar I learned.

I don’t think I will continue to review my Memeboxes, since it’s just too much work. I’ve also stopped ordering new boxes. I have just too many products to use! I’ll continue with short reviews and ordering boxes when I’m in the US next year.

Oh, I’ve also received a new Memebox code for September! You can use the code once in September when purchasing through my affiliate link. That means you have to click on one of the links on this page before ordering.

53UF – $5 off any Memebox order
You can find more codes on my Memebox Deals page.

My Afghan throw is almost done! Only 3 balls left to go, which would be 15 in total. I won’t use all 25. I’ll save the remainder for a cap/beanie, hand warmers and maybe a scarf. I can’t wait for it to be done, since I’m always feeling cold in bed at night. It’s pretty much summer during the day, but it’s really cold in our bedroom. After finishing the throw, I would love to make myself a cardigan. That is really exciting and will again be challenging.

Well that is all for now.

Bild der Woche // Photo of the week

Afghan throw
My Afghan throw, mid-way. I used a simple reversible triangle stitch pattern.


Letzte Woche hatte ich gar keine Lust einen “Minipost Mittwoch” zu posten. Manchmal ist nichts passiert, deshalb habe ich nichts zu schreiben, dann passiert plötzlich alles.

Ich habe heute neue Memebox-Codes für September bekommen:
TSDR – $7 off on shipping when you buy 2 or more Memeboxes
1PV1 – 15% off on orders above $150
94U8 – 10% off on orders above $100
Hoffentlich werden sie sich sehr nützlich, wenn ihr Memeboxen kaufen möchtet!

Leider kann Spätzli nicht mit uns in die USA ziehen, da sein eigener Flug zu teuer ist. Er darf auch nicht im selben Flugzeug mit uns fliegen. Ich weiss es nicht, was ich tun soll. Ich muss warscheinlich meinen Spätzli verlassen. Das macht mich echt traurig.

Immerhin mache ich noch weiter mit meiner Diät. Ich habe einen Hula-Hoop, der Spass macht. Fittness-Training mache ich auch fast jeden Tag zu Hause. Hoffentlich lohnt es sich nach einigen Monaten.

Ich habe meine dunklen lila Wolle bekommen, und habe schon mit dem Stricken meiner Decke angefangen. Ich habe 25 Knäuel gekauft, und ich benutze ungefähr alle 17 Reihen einen Knäuel. Hoffentlich werden sie genug, um die ganze Decke zu stricken. Ich habe bisher 7 Knäuel benutzt.
Ich habe nun auch viele andere Strick-Ideen. Ich möchte eine Tasche und ein Kissen aus Filzwolle machen. Das wäre wirklich herausfordernd, weil ich noch nicht etwas Nützliches aus Filz gemacht habe. Die Wolle wird teuer, aber… würde das meine Entscheidung ändern? Sicher nicht!

Meiner Meinung nach sind einige Charlie Bears aus England sehr niedlich. Ich habe schon Demi bestellt, und jetzt will ich Jenkins kaufen. Meine Mutter hat auch einen von mir bekommen, und sie findet ihn schön und gut verarbeitet. Vorher möchte ich gar keine Bären in meiner Plüschsammlung.

Last week, I was in no mood to do a “Minipost Mittwoch”. Sometimes absolutely nothing happens, so I have nothing to write, and then suddenly everything happens.

Today, I received new Memebox codes for September:
TSDR – $7 off on shipping when you buy 2 or more Memeboxes
1PV1 – 15% off on orders above $150
94U8 – 10% off on orders above $100
Hopefully they will be really useful when you want to buy yourself some Memeboxes! More offers on my Memebox Deals page.

Unfortunately, Spätzli won’t be moving with us to the US, because his own flight is too expensive and he is not allowed to fly with us on the same plane. I don’t know what to do. I’ll probably be leaving him behind, and that makes me really sad.

Anyway, I’m still continuing with my diet. I have a hoola hoop now, which is really fun to use. I also do some exercise at home almost every day. Not too much, but at least I try to do it regularly. Hopefully it will all be worth it after a few months.

I have received my purple yarn and have already started knitting my Afghan throw. I bought 25 balls of this yarn, and I use roughly one ball every 17 rows. Hopefully it will be enough to knit the entire throw. I’ve used up 7 balls already. 
I now have so many other ideas for other projects. I want to make a bag and a cushion out of felt wool. That will be challenging, since I have not yet made anything useful out of felt wool. The wool will be expensive, but… would that stop me? Certainly not!

A few Charlie Bears from England are really very cute in my opinion. I’ve already ordered one, Demi, and now I want to order Jenkins. My mother has also received a Charlie Bear from me, and she thinks it is really sweet and nicely made. I never really wanted to have any bears in my plush collection until now.

Bilder der Woche / Photos of the week

Zürich 2014-08-20 14.42.49
Zürich – ist es schon Herbst? // Meine sebstgestrickten Teddy-Pullover


I started a new book ages ago and I am only halfway through it. This one is really difficult and full of unfamiliar words. I normally read before bed and I am too lazy to look the words up, so I guess I hardly learn anything this way. I can still follow the story though.

Ich habe ein neues Buch schon lange angefangen, und ich habe nur das halbe gelesen. Es ist wirklich schwer zu lesen und enthält viele unbekannte Wörter. Normalerweise lese ich bevor ich einschlafe, und ich bin zu faul, die neuen Wörter nachzuschauen. Darum schätze ich, dass ich auf diese Weise kaum etwas Neues lernen würde. Trotzdem kann ich die Geschichte verstehen.

Well, I know my German is not perfect so please be kind if you find any errors. I think this might be a good way to help me practise writing, though I think my German sounds more formal than it should be.

Na ja, Ich weiss doch, dass mein Deutsch nicht perfekt ist, also seid bitte nett, wenn ihr Fehler herausfindet. Ich denke, dass ich auf diese Weise Schreiben üben kann, obwohl mein Deutsch sehr förmlich klingt als es sollte.


The month of May is going to be really busy. German class has started again, but this time it’s intensive. The worst part is getting up early. Every night I have Spätzli to tend to, and by the time I get to bed, it’s nearly 1am. It’s a real struggle to not have dark puffy eyes every morning. Why couldn’t they have afternoon intensive classes as well? I would pounce on those in a heartbeat.

Raccoon busy studying. I need a name for this guy. :)

I ended up taking a Perlsacktier friend to class with me one day. His name is Herzig, the Swiss word for “cute” and “hearty”! He is a raccoon with purple stripes.


The entire week since class started, Michael was away at a conference in Paris. I was so lonely, and I must say that I hardly looked after myself when it came to meals. I was so relieved when he returned. We had a fun time out on Saturday. The above photo was taken at our bus stop in Affoltern. The tree is so beautiful with its pink flowers. So many other trees had red leaves; they reminded me of autumn.

Hubert has found a new friend!

I took another Perlsacktier out with us, this one called Hubert, the spotted goat. We found a new large white Furby plush at Manor. It’s surprising how much cheaper some toys are at Manor (department store) compared to Franz Carl Weber (specialist toy store). I couldn’t resist.


Finally, we had a short break sitting on a bench and watching people go by. Later that day, we watched Iron Man at Kitag (cinema). Yes, we love action movies. They are worth the money spent, if only for their loud sounds and visual effects.

Now to study for Monday’s German test. Argh!

I’ve finally allowed myself to accept the Swiss-style of ‘high’ German. It means no “ß” in the alphabet, and the inclusion of certain words like “Velo” for bicycle, “Grüezi” for greetings. My school of choice is the Migros Klubschule in my old area of Oerlikon. It’s just a short bus ride away from Affoltern. I won’t lie, I picked this school because we cannot afford the more expensive and prestigious one in the city centre, but it still had good reviews and the location is ideal.

As it turns out, the Klubschule isn’t that bad. I started off with an interview and a short multiple choice placement test, and I qualified for the second part out of three for the A1 level. I still wanted to start at the very beginning, just to get my bearings and ease into the new bi-weekly schedule that I would have to endure for the next 6 months. It’s a good thing too, because I have forgotten a lot of the articles for even the most basic vocabulary.

My new books These are the books I will be using. I already have the German German version. This is the Swiss version. The main difference is the exclusion of the “ß” from words, replaced by “ss”, and the images are now of Swiss locations and brands. Other than these changes, the class is very much standard German, including pronunciations.

Quite accurate!

First exercise in class: Make a poster with things that you like. We were given some material to cut up. I was lucky to find the two most amazing pictures (to me) to cut out and paste. I love gardens, plants, and collecting toys. I do like cheese too, but I only used that picture because I thought two wouldn’t be enough. Everyone asked me about the toys, whether I made toys. My grammar and vocabulary being so elementary, I could not write down that collected toys.

The class is rather big, about 14 people, but things still move along nicely. My teacher is very good at explaining things and is very friendly. Almost everyone in the class can already speak English. Communicating with others is easier with a fall-back language, though this isn’t really ideal for practising German, is it? 😀

Inspired by my friend Juanita and her recent blog post, I decided to play, too!

Early 2010, I wanted to:

  • Get a job
  • Continue German class

End of 2010, I have done neither!! I didn’t like learning German in Switzerland, maybe because of the lousy school I attended for one session. The other expensive school was always intimidating. They boasted to mainly have university graduates and bilinguals as students. They made me take a placement test. Their class “entry points” were few and far between. I would plan to start the class, but never did once the time came. As for jobs, we all know that it’s almost impossible to get employment overseas without having the right visa. I was also under-qualified, as everyone else had Masters degrees. I also don’t enjoy doing something I’m not interested in.

Plans for December 2010 and early 2011:

  • Become a full time, self-proclaimed artisan
  • Register my jewellery home business
  • Continue once-a-week German class at the Goethe Institute, at my own leisure (there’s no rush any more, is there?)
  • Take a simple silver smithing short course in December at Monash
  • Take more detailed metal smithing courses at NMIT in February
  • Sell at Rose St. Artists Market, Fitzroy
  • Earn money

We’ll see how many goals I fulfil.