Time is whizzing by… I fly on the 20th, from Melbourne, AU to Zurich, CH.

I’m not properly packed yet, but I tossed a lot of things inside the suitcase already. I chose the lightest and largest suitcase I could find. Let’s hope it doesn’t break as soon as I arrive. I also bought a new toiletry bag that’s purple/silver and very light, too. I’m obsessed with weight. When one is migrating across continents by economy class, there’s a desperation to keep unnecessary weight to a minimum.

These are some clothes I planned to pack. This isn’t everything yet, there’s still another pile of clothing to gather, and lots of underwear. I will probably go over my 20kg weight limit, but I think around 22kg is still acceptable without having to pay for it.

This hand luggage is all packed. I carefully weighed it so I stay under 7kg. I’ll hand carry a heavier coat and my handbag. Thank goodness women are allowed a separate handbag. I ought to take advantage of this and carry the largest hobo bag or something HUGE, but I think my normal-sized 30 cm x 20 cm bag is fine and can still leave me enough leg room while it sits under the seat.
Now… I’m considering doing a bit of shopping at Singapore Airport, while in transit. What to buy though? Everything duty free is still rather pricey for a poor shopoholic like myself. Best to just sit quietly with some food and read my ebook.